The Truth Behind 4 of the Most Common Landscaping Myths

The many myths and misconceptions surrounding landscaping are far from harmless. They have consistently confused homeowners and, more often than not, caused them to make easy-to-avoid mistakes.

Handyman Connection® of Fort Collins debunks four of the most common landscaping myths and reveals the truth behind the misconceptions.

1.    You Can “Fix” a Sickly Looking Tree With Fertilizer

This is a common myth about landscaping and is actually a lazy solution to a more complex problem. When the tree suddenly looks like it is in poor health, it can be due to improper irrigation, mechanical damage, pest infestation, or disease.

These three problems can’t be fixed by adding fertilizer to the tree in question. It’s important to have the tree looked at so you can determine what exactly is going on.

2.    Mowing the Grass Short Means Mowing the Grass Less

This is another common landscaping mistake that’s a product of laziness. While it’s true that cutting the grass very short reduces the need to mow it at a later date, you’re also depriving the grass of the ability to produce the necessary sugars for photosynthesis.

Letting the grass grow out and cutting them short in one day can actually shock the lawn system and cause them not to grow at all. That’s why you should cut it at a medium length so that the grass stays healthy.

3.    Watering the Lawn in the Evening Conserves Water

This is one of the biggest landscaping mistakes you’ll ever commit. When you water the lawn after the sun goes down, the moisture sits on top of the lawn instead of “seeping further” as this myth describes. When water sits still on top of the lawn, it will cause the development and germination of fungus and disease that can ravage the grass and other plants.

4.    Spring Is the Only Time to Plant

Many homeowners wait the entire year for spring because of this pervading myth. The truth is, spring and summer aren’t the only “best” times to plant your greenery and flowers. Fall is actually one of the best seasons to plant anything as the leaf litter creates natural mulch and fertilizer that helps foster growth.

At Handyman Connection of Fort Collins, we’ll help you with all of your landscaping and gardening needs. Fill out our form or give us a call at (970) 235-0818 to learn more about our services.

How to Replace the Circuit Breaker the Right Way

The circuit breakers are responsible for protecting the electric circuits in your home by stopping the flow of electricity in the event of an overload or the sudden surge after a blackout. While they last a long time, they can develop faults and problems that can put your home at risk.

Handyman Connection® of Fort Collins discusses how to replace your circuit breaker the proper way.

What You Need

There are a few things you need before you do this. These include:

  • The new circuit breaker
  • A rubber mat or plywood stand to protect your from shocks
  • An insulated flashlight, screwdriver and wire strippers
  • Voltage tester and cable connectors

The First Steps

First, remove the outer panel using your flat head screwdriver from the service panel. Some panels have extremely long screws that may require an electric drill instead. Either way, press your free hand against the service panel as you’re unscrewing the last two screws so the panel won’t fall on your foot. Remove the panel gently to avoid electric shocks.

Next, turn off the circuit breaker. Start by switching off the main breaker. This is the large switch at the top of the service panel and it will shut down power across the entire home. Now, turn off the circuit breaker you’re planning to remove. This is actually an unnecessary step as you won’t get jolted, but it’s a good way to develop a safety procedure to protect you from electric shocks.

Removing the Breaker

The proper way to remove the circuit breaker is to gently rock it toward the outside of the panel. Once you feel that it’s starting to come loose, give it a good tug and pull it out of its socket.

You’ll now have the circuit breaker but it’s still attached to the panel thanks to its wire. Pull it out as far as practically possible to give yourself some room to work with. Removing the wire is simple enough and you can do it either manually or with your screwdriver.

Once that’s done, all you need to do is install the new circuit breaker and tighten any loose terminals. Cover it back up with the panel cover and turn on the main breaker, and you’re all done.

Let Handyman Connection of Fort Collins assist you with your electrical needs. Fill out our form or give us a call at (970) 235-0818 to learn more about our services.

The Proper Way to Align a Closet Door

The quintessential bifold and sliding closet doors are practical as they are space-saving, but that doesn’t mean they can’t occasionally get misaligned from the door frame. Thankfully, these doors are easy to realign, as long as you know how to.

Handyman Connection® of Fort Collins shares the proper way to realign a closet door.

Realigning a Bifold Door

First, close the door and measure the gap between the edge of the door and the jamb at the top and bottom. This gap should be even if the door is aligned; any unevenness, even just slightly, is a sign it needs realigning.

For this kind of door, you’ll want to loosen the set screw of the top pivot bracket. Then, you’ll have to move the top of the door away from the jamb to even out the gap. Once you’re content with the evenness, you just need to tighten the set screw.

For gaps larger on one side, you’ll have to lift up and move the bottom pivot outward toward the jamb and set it into the next adjacent “toothed” position. You’ll then want to loosen the top-track set screw and push the top of the door toward the jamb up until it’s right at the plumb. Once done, all you need to do is tighten the screw and check the gap by closing the door.

Sliding Closet Doors

Slide each door panel to each side to determine if the top rollers are properly riding their respective tracks. The ideal movement should be smooth with little to no drag. If there’s a noticeable drag or if the door is sagging, then one of the top rollers may have come out of the track.

If this is the case, unscrew and remove the door guide from the bottom track. You do this by lifting the door at an angle to fully seat the top rollers into the top track.

Next, loosen the alignment screws on the roller brackets of the door using your screwdriver. This will allow you to tweak and adjust the alignment according to your fit. Tighten the screws appropriately and slide the doors to check for drag or interruptions.

Handyman Connection of Fort Collins will help you with more problematic doors that sag and stick. Fill out our form, or give us a call at (970) 235-0818 to learn more about our services.

4 Ideas For Preventing Frozen Pipes This Winter

Preventing Frozen Pipes

Winter is one of the most charming times of year in Fort Collins, CO. Skiing, sledding, making snowmen, you’ve seen the postcards. Not everything, however, fares well during the winter months. Your home’s plumbing, in particular, is vulnerable to freezing up, and that could lead to disaster. To avoid any unpleasantness, here are a few things you can do to avoid frozen pipes this winter.

1.  To Avoid Frozen Pipes, Insulate Them

Insulating your pipes is one of the easiest and most effective ways to protect them from the harsh winter temperatures. Pipe insulation isn’t complicated and is very inexpensive. It’s particularly important to insulate pipes that run through unfinished basements and crawl spaces, as that’s where they’re most most vulnerable.

2. Maintain a Consistent Thermostat

It’s often a good idea to adjust your thermostat as the temperature changes in order to save money. When pipes are at risk of freezing, however, this isn’t a good idea. Maintaining a steady flow of warm air throughout your home might be just what you need to prevent frozen pipes.

3. Open Up All Cabinet Doors

Here’s a little trick that not everyone is aware of, but can make a big difference. Open your bathroom and kitchen cabinets to allow warm air to pass through. The reason this works is because most sinks are located near exterior walls. Since these areas are poorly insulated, it’s easy for the cold outside air to chill and even freeze the pipes beneath the sinks. Leaving cabinet doors open — especially in the evenings — permits more warm, interior air to reach the pipes.

4. Leave Faucets Running

This goes against everything you’ve ever been taught, but sometimes it’s a good idea to leave the faucets running to protect yourself from frozen pipes. Allowing water to run through your pipes on extremely cold days and nights prevents them from freezing. No more than a trickle is necessary, but it can save you from massive repair bills if your pipes were to freeze.

If, heaven forbid, you were to suffer from frozen pipes, reach out to the skilled craftsmen at Handyman Connection of Fort Collins, CO. We can handle all your plumbing and home repair needs, give us a call today!

Home Energy Saving Tips for the Winter

Energy Saving

While winter is a lovely time of the year, much of the money you spend on power in Fort Collins, CO, is during the cold winter months. While you can’t do much about the cold, you can do a lot about your power bills. Here are a few tips to help you save money on your winter home energy bills.

Save on Home Energy by Upgrading Your Windows

To get as much sunlight into your home as possible during the winter, you’ll want to draw the curtains. The problem is most of your home’s heat is lost through the windows, so what are you to do? Replace your windows with dual-pane windows that are energy efficient. Insulated windows such as these are effective at keeping warm air indoors during the winter months, and preventing cool air from escaping during the summer.

Improve Your Window Coverings

When the sun goes down, your curtains and drapes can help keep your home warm. Make sure they’re heavy enough to do the trick. There are curtains available that are designed with insulation in mind. These will act to keep the heat indoors where it belongs while saving you on your monthly home energy bill.

Upgrade Your Attic Insulation

To effectively winterize your home, you need to have adequate insulation. If you’re unsure whether you need more insulation or not, have an expert contractor perform an inspection. They can tell you status of your insulation, and what you can do to improve it.

Install a Smart Thermostat

If you’re still using the hand-adjusted thermostats of yesteryear, you need to keep up with the times. Modern “smart” thermostats are WiFi enabled, and are able to learn your habits and temperature preferences. By dropping the temperature 7° to 10° when you’re asleep or at work, you can save 10% or more on your monthly home energy bill.

If you need help implementing any of these changes, contact the skilled craftsmen at Handyman Connection of Fort Collins, CO. Call us for all your home improvement needs today!

When Are Carpentry Services Necessary Door Repair?

Carpentry Services

Doors are an often under-appreciated element in your home. You might not think about them much, but you use them all the time! Your front door, in particular, is your home’s first line of defense, so it’s important that it’s not neglected. In order to make sure that your home’s tight and secure, here are a few instances when it’s time to call for carpentry services experts for door repair.

Your Door Is Hollow When Tapped

Do you have a door that feels a little lighter than usual? If so, tap it with your fist. If you hear what seems to be a hollow sound, then that’s a bad sign. It probably means you have termites, so you’ll need to get that door inspected (and likely replaced) right away.

The Squeaking Is Driving You Nuts

No one likes a door that squeaks whenever it’s opened or closed (of when the wind blows). Fortunately, most of the time a little lubrication can take fix it, but if applying a common lubricant doesn’t have any effect, it’s probably an indication that the hinges themselves need to be replaced. An expert in carpentry services can take care of that problem if you’d rather not deal with it yourself.

Your Door Gets Stuck

A door that gets stuck to its frame is more than an annoyance; it’s probably a sign of far bigger issues. If you notice that you have to push extra hard to close your door — or struggle to open it — it might be because the door is warped or sagging, and it should be inspected by an expert.

Peeling Paint

Peeling paint on your front door is an eyesore, but there could be significant damage as well. Years of exposure to UV rays can cause paint to peel, as can excess moisture. Hiring a handyman who understands carpentry services ensures that you can get it repaired whatever the problem may be.

To learn more about how your home could benefit from the assistance of a skilled craftsman, contact the carpentry services experts at Handyman Connection of Fort Collins, CO. Call us today!