Drywall Replacement 101

drywall repair Timnath co

Every now and then, there comes a time when drywall needs to be replaced. In most cases, this happens because drywall is outdated and starts losing its original form (and purpose) due to the natural properties of the material.

However, sometimes, entire sections of drywall may need replacing because of external factors, such as impact, moisture, or mold damage. Today, we’ll showcase how specialists for drywall repair in Timnath, CO perform this intervention, to give you an idea of what to expect. 

How do you replace a large section of drywall?

Experienced technicians will follow a predetermined set of steps for drywall hanging and reparations to ensure the results are up to par with exacting quality and safety standards. To speed up the process, they may use some specialized equipment that isn’t typically available in standard households, which is why drywall replacement is so rarely a DIY undertaking. Here’s how the process usually goes:

  • Assessment: Pros begin by evaluating the extent of damage and coming up with the most feasible repair plan.
  • Preparation: They will clear the premises, protect the furniture with nylon sheets, and gather the necessary tools and materials.
  • Removal: Depending on how much drywall needs removing, technicians may cut panels into manageable pieces and carefully pull them away, ensuring they don’t damage healthy sections.
  • Measuring: The hole left behind by panel removal is precisely measured and dimensions are transferred to a new piece of sheetrock.
  • Cutting: A new panel is cut following the above measurements to ensure a seamless fit.
  • Installation: Pros will affix the cutout to an existing drywall using screws or nails (if possible) or drywall repair clips if the cutout can’t be affixed directly to beams.
  • Finishing: A joint compound is added to the seams, followed by embedding drywall tape directly into it while it’s still wet, and adding another layer of compound. Once everything is dry, technicians will sand the drywall to ensure a smooth finish.
  • Painting: Finally, pros will prime and paint the finished sections, paying special attention to match the new color to the existing one for a seamless blend.

Can you put drywall over damaged drywall?

Technically, yes, it is possible to cover damaged sections with a layer of new drywall. However, the question here is not “can you” but “should you” do it – and the answer is “no”. If drywall is damaged, cracked, infested with mold, or compromised in any other way, putting new panels atop old ones will only cause more problems in the future. Here are some examples:

  • If the walls sustained moisture damage or excessive mold growth, placing new panels over old ones will trap that moisture, making mold and moisture actually spread faster;
  • If drywall shows signs of bulging, no matter how small, it’s only a matter of time for bulging to expand and cause your new panels to crack.
  • Adding layers of drywall will reduce the square footage of the room. Granted, not by much, but enough to make a noticeable difference.

Therefore, the only situations where it’s feasible to double up on drywall is if you want slightly better insulation, slightly better soundproofing, and to save slightly more money – and there are much better ways to do all these things.

How do you replace a large section of drywall

Who do I call for expert drywall repair near me in Timnath, CO?

Handyman Connection of Fort Collins is your top choice whether your drywall needs holes patched, extensive repairs, or complete replacement. Our technicians are recognized veterans in their field, with ample knowledge and honed skills to get any job done right the first time.

Their expertise is available throughout the region, so whether you’re near Community Park or in any other part of Timnath, you can count on swift and quality service. Reach out to us today and let us make your home better!

Professional Drywall Patching Methods Revealed

Timnath co drywall repair

Holes in drywall are a not just common occurrence – they’re virtually unavoidable. The material sheetrock panels are made of is porous and it doesn’t take much force to punch a hole right through it (as evidenced by hundreds of “funny” YouTube videos). The thing is, drywall holes are not just an aesthetic inconvenience.

Larger gaps can compromise the structural integrity of the adjacent wall and ceiling panels and reduce insulation effectiveness leading to higher utility bills. Even small holes can be a danger, as they can allow moisture to seep through, causing damage and mold growth. Not to mention insects and rodents that’ll have a free pass to enter your home.

For these reasons, it is crucial to have Timnath, CO drywall repair and replacement specialists address the problem in a timely manner. Let’s explore how they do it.

How do you cover holes in drywall?

There are many ways to patch a hole in drywall, with some of the most common ones being:

  • Wall repair kits: These contain everything you need to fix small holes or gaps, including the instruction manual, making them the most DIY-friendly drywall repair method.
  • Cut & Patch: This method involves cutting out a replacement piece from a new (or leftover) panel and using it as a patch. However, doing so is significantly more difficult than other methods here, as it requires precise measurements and tools.
  • Tape & Joint Compound: Slightly easier than the previous method, this one entails placing a drywall mesh over the hole, fixing it in place with fiberglass tape, and covering it with joint compound.
  • Self-adhesive mesh patch: Same as Tape & Joint only, with self-adhesive mesh, you don’t have to worry about using tape to fix the patch in place.
  • Plaster repair: This technique uses a plaster mixture to fill the hole. While reliable for small cracks or gaps, it is difficult to apply it if damage is more extensive.

How do professionals fix holes in drywall?

Trained professionals adopt a systematic approach to drywall repair and replacement, following the established routine to ensure durable and lasting fix, typically consisting of the following steps:

  • Preparation involves removing loose debris and cleaning the surface around the hole to ensure strong adhesion of repair materials.
  • Backing support is usually necessary if the hole is larger. It entails inserting a supporting element behind the drywall to create an adherent surface for the patch.
  • The Cut & Patch method is applied next, as it is proven to give excellent results, especially for bigger holes.
  • Reinforcement is done by using drywall tape to cover the seams between the drywall and the patch.
  • A joint compound is then applied over the entire patch area (including over tapes) and feathered so it blends with the surrounding wall. Do note that, in some instances, multiple layers of joint compound are needed to ensure a firm fix.
  • Finishing touches involve, in order: sanding, cleaning, priming, and painting over the patch. Pros will take extra steps to ensure that the new paint color matches the existing one as closely as humanly possible.
How do you cover holes in drywall

Who are the leading experts in Timnath, CO for drywall repair?

If you’re looking for a reliable, durable, and lasting repair, instead of just a temporary fix, then Handyman Connection of Fort Collins is your top choice. Our technicians have ample training and thousands of repair jobs behind their backs, enabling them to deliver top-notch results every single time.

We operate throughout the Timnath area, so whether you’re near The Reservoir or anywhere else, you can count on us for swift intervention and repair that lasts. Get in touch with us today and let our experts make your space look its best!

11 Rules for Hanging Drywall

What are the rules for hanging drywall

Like any trade or craft, drywall installation features a specific set of rules and guidelines. Following these directives ensures quality workmanship, precise integration, a safe process, and most importantly, the results that last. 

Considering the importance of following these guidelines, it is surprising that so few people know what they are or that they even exist. Today, we’re here to rectify that injustice with these 11 Rules Timnath, CO drywall installation experts use in their everyday practice.

What are the rules for hanging drywall?

Good news: there aren’t so many rules. Bad news: these rules aren’t made to be broken. Following them allows professionals to ensure a quality installation that is both aesthetically pleasing and structurally sound. 

  • Start from the top: In this case, literally. Drywall hanging should be done from the ceiling, working the way down to the floor. Doing things this way serves two practical purposes. First, it makes the process easier, and, second, it puts the gaps and uneven edges at the bottom, where they’re very hard to notice.
  • “Measure thrice, cut once”: The ultimate rule of any craft finds its way here! Sizing the sheets so they accurately fit the dimensions of walls or ceilings, as well as around obstacles, requires some precision cutting – and we all know that can only be done if the initial measurements are accurate.
  • Cut after tacking: Openings for switches, outlets, and other fixtures after tacking the panels into place. It’s easier and gives better results.
  • Stagger the seams: Drywall sheets shouldn’t be directly above or below each other. Rather, they should be offset a little, as this enhances the integrity and stability of the structure, simultaneously minimizing the risk of cracks.
  • Gap consistently: At a glance, sheets seem like they’re completely rigid. They’re not; sheets contract and expand, which is why pros always leave small gaps (around ⅛” to ¼”) between two sheets, as well as between a sheet and an adjacent surface.
  • NO excessive force: In some cases, sheets may be cut so they fit too tightly. However, you’ll never see pro installers forcing them into place, as that can only damage or break the sheet. Instead, it is much better to trim the excess, so there are healthy gaps.
  • Secure properly: Here’s a little drywall installer haiku: Nails are OK. Screws are much better. Screws + adhesives are the best!
  • Never overlap: Doing so creates uneven surfaces that are not only unsightly to behold but also compromise the integrity of the structure. The sheets should fit snugly against each other and if they must be trimmed to achieve snugglyness, then so be it!
  • Check for level & plumb: There’s no worse feeling than finishing a section of drywall, only to discover there are bulges and crooked lines every foot or two. To avoid this hyper-frustrating experience, use plumb bob and level frequently to ensure those panels are straight and true.
  • Fastening matters: Fastening sheets near the edges of doorways, windows, and along the floors carries two benefits: One, you won’t have to tape them during the finishing process and, two, it will reduce the possibility of drywall edges shifting or cracking over time.
  • Tape, finish, sand: In that order. After hanging the panels, apply tape followed by a joint compound to get that seamless connection. After the joint compound dries, you can do a sanding run to ensure they are smooth as silk.
Who in Timnath, CO performs expert drywall installation near me

Who in Timnath, CO performs expert drywall installation near me?

If you’re looking for someone to install new drywall throughout your home, replace large sections of damaged sheets, or conduct thorough repairs and patching – look no further! Handyman Connection of Fort Collins has everything you need and our services are available throughout Timnath, from Weitzel Park to all along the Poudre.

With a team of stringently vetted and trained professionals backed by cutting-edge tools and methods, we’re capable of performing top-quality repairs and installations in a record time.  Plus, we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all our workmanship, ensuring not only your contentment but your peace of mind too! So, don’t wait – connect with us today!

DIY Drywall Installation: Should You Do It?

Can you install drywall yourself

Today, drywalls are an integral part of virtually every home in the US. No wonder there, really, considering how this material is easy to mass-produce and is super cheap, making it a phenomenal budget-preserving option.

But, should that way of thinking be applied to everything drywall-related? Today, we’ll be exploring one facet of that question, namely, should you hire reputable experts for drywall installation in Timnath, CO, or is DIY-ing a feasible option?

Can you install drywall yourself?

There are about a million different guides online, explaining in-depth how to install drywall DIY-style. Many of those are (mostly) correct – from the technical perspective. But most of them are also misleading.

They throw around terms such as “only basic tools necessary”, “it’s quick and easy”, “it’s a one-person job”, and our absolute favorite “low skill ceiling”. The fact is that, if you want top-quality results and a stress-free experience, you should go for the pros, and here’s why:

“Low skill ceiling”

Drywall installation requires precision, especially when it comes to fitting the sheets around obstacles. The precision necessary to ensure a top-notch finish can only be achieved with years of training and practice, which is impossible for someone who does it once or twice in a decade (or less, which is more likely). Therefore, despite the best efforts, DYI-ing results in ruined materials, wasted money, wasted time, and a whole lot of stress in the vast majority of cases.

“Quick & Easy”

Yes, it is – for a team of trained professionals, emphasis on “team”. Drywall installers often come in pairs to facilitate the process. The reason for this type of organization is manifold but, at the core of it, is efficiency. Even a single specialist can do the job in a fraction of the time that would take an inexperienced individual to do it – and they’ll do it better.

“Only basic tools necessary”

You only need a basic car to get from point A to point B, but having the newest model definitely makes the experience more efficient, enjoyable, and faster. The same exact logic can be applied in drywall installation. 

Access to specialized, cutting-edge tools expedites the process by a significant margin and gives much better results. It also makes it much tidier, resulting in even less time necessary to do post-construction cleanup.

“One-person job”

Vertical installations (i.e. walls) can be. Horizontal ones (i.e. ceilings) most definitely are not. In either case, soloing drywall installation is ill-advised, for several reasons. First, sheets are large and heavy, making lifting and maneuvering incredibly taxing.

Second, sheetrocks are (typically) made of gypsum wrapped in paper. Gypsum is a porous material and paper is not the strongest wrapper in the world. This makes sheets easy to damage, especially corners and edges, or even break them completely if handled improperly.

Therefore, making installation a “one-person job” can only result in exertion, exhaustion, financial loss, and a whole lot of frustration.

Can one person hang drywall?

With everything mentioned above, we must strongly advise against it. Drywall sheets and other components tend to be bulky and cumbersome, making them difficult to move and install without at least two sets of hands.

What’s more, that little money you will save by not hiring pros will most certainly go toward buying additional materials. Therefore, if you want optimal results, it’s best to hire at least one experienced drywall installer to help you out.

Can one person hang drywall

Where can I find specialists for drywall installation near me in Timnath, CO?

Handyman Connection of Fort Collins is your one-stop shop for everything drywall-related in Timnath and nearby regions. Whether you need us to patch some holes in the sheetrock, replace large sections of plasterboard, or do a full-house drywall hanging, we are your prime choice.

Our team has ample knowledge, years of experience, and wields cutting-edge tools, ensuring the result will meet exacting industry standards and exceed your expectations. Reach out to us today and partner with professionals who will get the job done and done right on the first try!