10 Things to Know Before Bathroom Remodeling

Embarking on a remodeling project can be both exciting and stressful. On one hand, you have the opportunity to create a space that is a perfect reflection of your style and needs. On the other, there are so many decisions to make, each more significant than the previous.

For these reasons, it’s essential to approach the bathroom remodel in Fort Collins with careful planning and consideration, regardless of whether you’re looking to update the aesthetics, improve functionality, or increase the value of your home.

Which factors should be considered before bathroom remodeling?

Before diving into a bathroom remodeling project, it’s important to consider several key factors to ensure a successful outcome that coincides with your desires and requirements.

Goals & Expectations

Clearly defining what you desire to get from a remodel is absolutely crucial, as it will impact virtually every aspect of the process. Therefore, identify the specific changes you want to make, no matter how big or small, and clearly communicate them with your contractor and designer.


Drafting a responsible and realistic budget is crucial to avoid overspending during the remodeling process. Take the time to research the average costs for materials, labor, and any additional expenses to avoid surprises. Additionally, do your best to allocate your available finances in a way that allows for flexibility, as unforeseen challenges may arise during the project.


Unlike renovations, remodeling projects can sometimes take longer than anticipated, especially if there are structural changes or unforeseen complications. Plan for a realistic timeline and consider potential inconveniences that may arise during the process.

Space & Layout

Evaluate the existing bathroom space and consider if any changes to the layout are necessary or desired. This will help you determine what you should prioritize (e.g. expanding square footage, rearranging fixtures, addressing any structural concerns, etc.), as well as how you’re going to approach the project.

Style & Aesthetics

Decide on how you want your new bathroom to look. Explore various sources to draw inspiration, such as home improvement magazines, online platforms, and social media. It is a good idea to collect images and ideas to guide your creative choices, as this can help designers come up with a solution that you’ll like in record time.

Functionality & Practicality

Beyond aesthetics, think about how you use your bathroom. Consider the flow of the space, storage requirements, and any accessibility needs. Incorporating functional elements will enhance your daily routine and ensure a practical bathroom design that you’ll truly enjoy.

Professional Assistance

Hiring a reputable and experienced contractor is absolutely essential for the success of your project, workmanship quality, and workflow efficiency. Therefore, take your time to research local companies, check their references, and review their portfolio of past projects to ensure they meet your needs, budgets, and quality standards.

Codes & Permits

Familiarize yourself with building codes and permit requirements in your area. Depending on the scope of your remodel, you may need permits for electrical, plumbing, or structural changes. Therefore, be sure to determine what documentation you need, as failure to comply with regulations can lead to complications, delays, and potential penalties.


The bathroom is one of the most utilized areas of the house. As such, it pays to invest in high-quality materials that will withstand daily use and stand the test of time. Opt for durable flooring, moisture-resistant surfaces, and fixtures that combine functionality with aesthetics. Also, quality materials will contribute to the overall value of your bathroom remodels, which is always a big plus.

Expect  the unexpected

Despite careful planning and best efforts, unexpected surprises can arise during a remodel due to the sheer complexity of the project. For this reason, it’s essential to have contingency plans in place to address unforeseen issues or changes in scope. Be prepared for adjustments and communicate openly with your contractor to find the best possible solutions.

Where can I find experts for bathroom remodels in Fort Collins near me?

For close to seven decades, Handyman Connection tops the bathroom remodeling industry anywhere from Pine Ridge to Riverbend and throughout the region. With a vast selection of ingenious solutions and a roster featuring some of the finest designers and craftsmen Fort Collins can offer, we’re here to translate your vision into reality. Reach out to us today!

Bathroom Remodel vs Renovation: 3 Key Differences

When it comes to your bathroom-enhancing projects, two terms you often see used interchangeably are “remodel” and “renovation.” But, do they actually refer to the same activity, or are they two completely different undertakings?

While both involve making improvements to your space, there are some distinct differences between them, primarily in terms of scope and objectives. Understanding these disparities is essential for homeowners looking to hire bathroom remodeling services in Fort Collins as it allows them to make an informed choice. So, let’s break them down!

What is the difference between a bathroom remodel and a renovation?

To understand where the disparities lie, first, we need to familiarize ourselves with what each of these constructive work types entails.

What is bathroom remodeling?

These types of projects typically refer to making significant changes to the existing bathroom layout, fixtures, and aesthetics. It involves a complete transformation aimed at updating virtually every aspect of the space, including the look, functionality, and style.

As such, a remodel may involve tearing down walls, replacing plumbing systems, upgrading fixtures, and redesigning the overall layout, making it a comprehensive project that often requires professional assistance and permits.

What is bathroom renovation?

On the other hand, a bathroom renovation focuses more on refreshing the appearance of the space without altering the existing layout or structure. This typically involves surface-level improvements, such as replacing tiles, updating paint, installing new lighting fixtures, or upgrading bathroom accessories.

Renovations can be more manageable in terms of time, cost, and complexity compared to a full remodel. This sometimes enables homeowners to undertake some minor projects on their own, but the results will be highly dependent on their skill level and desired outcomes.

Key difference #1: The scope

One of the main distinctions between a remodel and a renovation lies in the scope of work. A bathroom remodel involves extensive changes that can include structural modifications, such as:

  • Moving walls;
  • Relocating plumbing lines;
  • expanding the square footage.

As such, remodeling offers homeowners the opportunity to reimagine the entire space, addressing layout inefficiencies and improving functionality.

On the other hand, a bathroom renovation typically focuses on surface-level improvements, for example:

  • Upgrading fixtures;
  • Replacing outdated components;
  • Refreshing the overall look.

Therefore, renovations are more cosmetic in nature, aimed at enhancing the aesthetic appeal and bringing a fresh feel to the existing bathroom design.

Key difference #2: Decision-affecting factors

Choosing between a remodel and a renovation depends on various factors, including:

  • Available budget;
  • Time constraints;
  • Desired results.

If you’re content with the current bathroom layout and only wish to update the appearance, a renovation may be a more suitable choice, as they’re generally more cost-effective and less time-consuming compared to full remodels.

However, if you’re dissatisfied with the bathroom’s layout, functionality, or need to address structural issues, then remodeling might be necessary. It will allow you to optimize the space, incorporate new design elements, and potentially increase the value of your home.

Due to all the factors listed up until this point, it’s important to assess your goals, consult with professionals, and weigh the pros and cons before making a final decision.

Key difference #3: Professional Assistance

Lastly, you’ll have to assess the need for professional assistance for your upcoming project. While small-scale renovations can be DIY projects, bathroom remodels typically require professional assistance, mainly due to the project’s complexity.

Structural changes and plumbing reconfigurations necessitate the expertise of seasoned contractors, plumbers, and electricians. Hiring reputable professionals ensures that the project adheres to local building codes, minimizes potential mistakes, and delivers high-quality results within a respectable timeframe.

Who offers expertise-based bathroom remodeling services in Fort Collins & near me?

Handyman Connection of Fort Collins is here to make your dream of a perfect bathroom become a reality. Our team of expert designers and craftsmen boasts years of experience in the industry and is dedicated to delivering results of the highest order anywhere from Colina Mariposa to Richards Lake and beyond.

We offer fully customized solutions tailored to your specific needs and work closely with you every step of the way to translate your ideas into space that reflects your personal style and enhances your quality of life. Reach out to us today to get started!

The Benefits of Custom Shelving

Do you ever feel like your life is a never-ending game of Tetris, with items constantly piling up and no designated place to put them? If so, it’s time to consider the magical world of Fort Collins shelf mounting services focusing on custom solutions!

These versatile and personalized storage options are not only practical but also add a touch of style to your space, making it truly unique and You. But, let’s see what are some other reasons that will help you wave goodbye to clutter and bid adieu to generic shelves.

fort collins shelf mounting services

What are the benefits of custom shelves?

Custom shelving offers a plethora of benefits that go far beyond the ordinary. From maximizing space efficiency and providing personalized solutions to enhancing functionality and adding value to your property, custom-made shelves are the superhero of storage solutions, no competition!

Maximizing Space Efficiency

When it comes to storage, efficiency is the name of the game. Custom shelves allow you to make the most of your available space by utilizing every nook and cranny. Unlike pre-fabricated units that come in standard sizes, custom ones can be tailor-made to fit any space, whether it’s an awkward corner, a sloped ceiling, or a tight alcove. With them, you’ll be amazed at how every inch of your room can be utilized efficiently, creating a clutter-free and organized environment.

Personalization Galore

One size doesn’t fit all, especially when it comes to shelving. Tailored units offer a world of personalization options that allow you to express your unique style and cater to your specific needs.

From choosing the materials, finishes, and colors to deciding on the number of shelves, compartments, and even incorporating built-in lighting, the possibilities are endless. Whether you’re a minimalist going for sleek and streamlined aesthetics or an avid collector in need of ample display space, custom shelving can be designed to reflect your individual taste and lifestyle.

Tailored to Your Storage Needs

No two individuals have the same storage requirements, and that’s where these solutions truly shine. Whether you’re an avid bookworm, a collector of vinyl records, or a proud owner of an extensive shoe collection, bespoke shelving can be made to cater to your specific storage needs.

Adjustable shelves, specialized compartments, and unique configurations ensure that your belongings are not only neatly organized but also easily accessible, saving you the frustration of rummaging through cluttered spaces in search of that one item you desperately need.

Enhanced Functionality

Custom shelving goes beyond mere storage. It elevates the functionality of your living or working space. With well-designed made-to-order units, you can create dedicated zones for different items, making it effortless to find what you need when you need it.

Imagine having a designated area for your keys, a section for your favorite books, and a display for showcasing your prized possessions. Custom options transform your space into a functional oasis of convenience, ensuring everything has its rightful place.

Added Value to Your Property

In addition to their practical benefits, custom pieces can also add significant value to your property. When potential buyers or renters view a home, they appreciate the convenience and aesthetics of custom storage solutions. Tailored shelving showcases your attention to detail, organization, and dedication to maximizing space.

This extra touch of sophistication can make your property stand out from the competition and potentially increase its market value. So, investing in this particular upgrade is not just a smart storage solution; it’s a wise investment in your property’s future.

What are the benefits of custom shelves

Who in Fort Collins offers reliable shelf mounting services?

If you’re ready to bid farewell to clutter and embrace a more organized and stylish space, all you need to do is get in touch with Handyman Connection of Fort Collins. Our team of skilled professionals is ready to help you bring your storage game to the next level. Whether you’re seeking customized shelves for your kids’ room, a functional storage system for your garage, or a beautifully organized closet, we have the expertise to deliver exceptional results, anywhere from Old Town to Ridgewood Hills and beyond. Get in touch with us today and experience the convenience we bring into your life!

Creative Storage Ideas for Kids’ Rooms

Are you tired of navigating your kids’ room like you’re on tryouts for Ninja Warrior, dodging Legos, battling an army of stuffed animals, and breakdancing around piles and piles of toys? Fear not, brave parent, for this shelf installation service near you is here with potent solutions to your problem!

We’ve assembled a mighty arsenal of creative storage ideas to help you conquer the chaos and transform your little ones’ space into a fortress of order. Get ready to unleash your inner organization ninja and embark on an epic quest to reclaim sanity and banish clutter from your kids’ room once and for all!

shelf installation service near me

How can I increase storage in my kids’ room?

In short: by getting creative and thinking outside the box. These ideas may not be 100% conventional, but they’ll allow you to transform your kids’ room into a well-organized and enchanting space, without the need to max out the storage in your garage or any other part of the house, for that matter. Plus, they will help your kids develop good organizational skills and habits while making tidying up a fun and delightful experience. So, definitely a win-win situation for everyone involved!

Embrace the Power of Multi-Functional Furniture

Why settle for ordinary furniture when you can have pieces that offer both style and storage? Opt for beds with built-in drawers or cubbies underneath, as they will provide ample space to store bedding, toys, or clothes.

You can also utilize ottomans with hidden compartments for stashing away smaller items or consider bookshelves with integrated storage bins. These versatile options not only save space but also encourage your children to keep their belongings organized.

Vertical Storage Solutions

When the floor space is limited, look upwards! Maximize the use of vertical space by installing wall-mounted shelves or bookcases. These provide storage for books, toys, and display-worthy treasures while keeping the floor clear for playtime.

To add a touch of whimsy, incorporate fun-shaped custom shelves or wall pockets that match your kids’ room theme. Remember, going vertical not only saves space but also adds a visually appealing element to the room.

Utilize the Power of Bins and Baskets

Bins and baskets are the unsung heroes of organization, as they allow you to stuff a lot of stuff into a small space. Use them to categorize and store toys, art supplies, and accessories. Color-coded bins or ones adorned with pictures of the items they hold can make clean-up time a breeze.

For smaller items like Legos or action figures, consider transparent containers or clear plastic drawers, so everything is visible at a glance. Also, labeling the bins or baskets will help your kids easily identify where each item belongs.

Make Use of Behind-the-Door Space

Often overlooked, the space behind the door can be transformed into valuable storage real estate. Install hooks or over-the-door organizers to hang backpacks, coats, hats, and other frequently used items. You can also attach a small shoe organizer to hold dolls, action figures, or art supplies. This clever utilization of space keeps essentials within reach while maintaining a clutter-free floor.

Get Creative with Wall-Mounted Solutions

Think beyond traditional shelves! Incorporate magnetic strips on the walls to hold metal toys, art supplies, or magnetic letters. Utilize pegboards to hang hats, bags, and even small musical instruments.

Another awesome idea is to hang a fabric shoe organizer on the wall, filling the pockets with various items such as stuffed animals, dolls, or even shoes. By utilizing vertical wall space, you can showcase your child’s belongings while freeing up valuable floor area.

Optimize Closet Space

Closets often become black holes of clutter, but you can maximize their potential by installing additional shelves, hanging organizers, or drawer systems. Adjustable shelves allow for customization as your child’s storage needs change over time.

Make sure to use clear, labeled bins or baskets inside the closet to store seasonal clothes, shoes, or outgrown toys. This way, you can easily rotate items and keep everything within reach.

Think Outside the Box

Sometimes, the most innovative storage solutions come from thinking outside the box. Consider repurposing unconventional items like colorful crates, vintage suitcases, or even old skateboards as storage containers or shelves. Hang a net hammock in the corner to hold stuffed animals or attach a shower caddy to the side of a desk for art supplies. Let your imagination run wild and the results are sure to show!

How can I increase storage in my kids' room

Who offers expert shelf installation service near me?

If you’re looking for a hassle-free way to transform your home with expertly installed shelving and storage solutions, Handyman Connection of Fort Collins should be your first stop. Our team of skilled and versatile technicians is here to save the day (and your nerves) and help you turn chaos into order! Whether you need custom shelving for your kids’ room or any other part of the house, you can rely on us to provide an array of options that will suit your style and needs. Reach out to us today and let us enable you to spend your free time with your little ones in the Museum of Discovery or at Warren Lake, instead of being knee-deep in clutter!