3 Home Modifications for Seniors: Tips & Guidelines

As more and more seniors in the US are deciding to age in place, there’s been an increased need for solutions that would make this notion not only possible but viable. One of the best (and proven) ones comes in the form of home modifications.

Today, adapting a home to be aging-friendly is easier than ever. The wealth of assistive technologies, home modifications, and especially their combinations allows for the creation of a safe and comfortable environment.

The best thing about them is that with the assistance of home repair services for seniors Timnath, CO companies offer, each of these solutions can be tailored to the specific needs and preferences of the individual.

How do you adapt a home for the elderly?

The biggest roadblock individuals face when considering home modifications is not knowing where to start. This is understandable, considering that these types of adaptations aren’t exactly your “everyday” upgrades, as well as the sheer amount of possibilities available today. To make things easier, we’ll split them into three distinct categories, giving you a general overview of what they are and how big of an impact they can have on the elderly.

Safety modifications

It is an unfortunate fact that, as our loved ones age, their physical abilities wane. This makes them more susceptible to in-home accidents that can result in injuries ranging from minor abrasions and lacerations (in the best case) to death (in the most severe scenarios). For this reason, home adaptations that focus on enhancing safety should always be the #1 priority. 

  • Impact on the elderly QOL: Critical; Safety upgrades can prevent injuries and be literal life savers.
  • Ease of implementation: Easy-to-Hard; May range from effortless (e.g. removing throw rugs from the premises) to simple (e.g. grab bars and banister rails installation) to difficult (e.g. addition of bathroom).
  • Budget impact: Varying; Some home modifications are extremely cheap (e.g. grab bars) while others may be extremely expensive (e.g. home remodels or additions).

Accessibility modifications

Next on the priority list should be adaptations that aid individuals in navigating their homes and/or increase their level of independence. The majority of these upgrades also contribute to the safety levels, making them an excellent extension to the previous category.

  • Impact on the elderly QOL: Significant; Even the simplest upgrades, such as accessibility ramps can make navigating the premises easier and safer.
  • Ease of implementation: Easy-to-Hard; Some adaptations are easy to install (e.g. ramps, toilet seat heighteners) while others necessitate professional intervention (e.g. stairlifts).
  • Budget impact: Varying; Some modifications are super-cheap (e.g. toilet seat extenders) while others may take a significant amount (e.g. stairlifts, lowering/raising kitchen elements).

Convenience/comfort modifications

Last, but not least, is the category that might not be high on the priority list, but certainly must not be neglected. Typically, individuals who choose to age in place do so because they like familiar surroundings where they feel comfortable. 

Still, there’s no reason not to enhance those comfort levels further! With today’s technology, possibilities are virtually limitless and the best thing about them is that it doesn’t take much for a significant QOL improvement.

  • Impact on the elderly QOL: Varying; Some improvements (e.g. voice-controlled devices) mostly enhance convenience levels while others (e.g. medical alert systems) can mean the difference between life and death.
  • Ease of implementation: Easy-to-Medium; Some devices (e.g. Alexa, Google Home) are plug-and-play, while others (e.g. Hoyer lifts) just need assembling.
  • Budget impact: Low-to-Medium; While some devices may be pricey, they are still much cheaper than extensive home improvements.

Who offers reliable home repair services for seniors near me in Timnath, CO?

Handyman Connection of Forth Collins offers an array of home repair, maintenance, and modification services for elderly homeowners. Our technicians have extensive experience and training, making them capable of upgrading your home in a variety of ways that will make aging in place a safe and comfortable experience. Whether you’re near the Reservoir or anywhere else in the Timnath area, all you need to do is reach out to us to get started making your life better!